About Me

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I'm a C# developer and that takes up most of my time but when I'm not in front of the computer, I do a lot of mountain biking, skiing and spending time with my dog. When I'm not doing any of that stuff, I'm spending time with my lovely wife.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Mappoint 2009 Optimize Routes with Dialog

Well I've been trying for about a day now to get mappoint 2009 to optimize a route with the dialog box. It worked fine for <= 2006 with this call :
SendMessage(FindWindow(null, "Map - Microsoft MapPoint North America"), WM_COMMAND, 35388, 0);

after some Spy++ investigational work, i found that this is what needs to be sent in mappoint 2009:

SendMessage(FindWindow(null, "Map - Microsoft MapPoint North America"), WM_COMMAND, 35221, 0);

So there you have it. I hope this helps.